External Filing Landing Page
- The HOME link takes the user back to their Home page, which contains the list of filings visible to that user. To the right of the HOME link, is the USERS AND GROUPS link. Note: Only a Super User will have this option available. Clicking USERS AND GROUPS takes the Super User to a page that enables the Super User to create and manage access for other user(s) and groups internal to their organization.
- Summary tab contains summary of information related to an individual filing, such as Status, Entity Information, Details, Sections
- Documents tab contains all the documents related to the filing
- Messages tab contains all messages sent to/received from Federal Reserve assigned staff
- Key Dates tab contains dates for the Public Comment Periods and processing dates
- The Contacts tab contains all information for the user that submitted the filing and the institution/firm that filed. This information is also displayed here on the Summary tab in the “Entity Information” area of the screen.
- Assignees tab contains the Reserve Bank Primary M&A Analyst, and if applicable, the Board Primary M&A Analyst and Board Legal Assignee
- Clicking on the Profile picture produces buttons to access the user’s profile information, a button to access FedEZFile system settings (General and Accessibility tabs only), and a button for the user to sign out.
- SEND MESSAGE button allows the user to create and send a message to any of the Federal Reserve Assginees on the filing
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