General Filing
How many hard copies of the filing should I submit?
You do not need to submit any hard copies if you submit electronically through Fed EZ File. If you need to submit a filing by mail, one copy is sufficient.
How much is the filing fee for submitting a filing?
The Federal Reserve does not charge a filing fee.
To whom should I address my cover letter?
Reserve Bank Business Contacts
How do I request confidentiality for non-public parts of a filing?
A filing may contain public and confidential information. Any information in a filing for which you desire
confidential treatment that would be exempt from disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act in
accordance with section 261.15(a) of the Board's Rules Regarding Availability of Information (12 CFR
Part 261) should be so labeled and separately bound. A written request for confidential treatment in
accordance with 12 CFR 261.17 must accompany the separately bound confidential volume and must
explain which exemption(s) in 12 CFR 261.15(a) a filer is relying upon to request confidential treatment
and the information the filer considers confidential that is subject to the particular exemption.
Which Reserve Bank will handle my filing?
Click here FRS Districts and Contacts for a map of the Federal Reserve Districts.
If your organization has operations in more than one Federal Reserve District, contact one of the Reserve Banks to determine where the filing should be submitted. The responsible Reserve Bank is typically where the head office of the top tier organization is located. For foreign banking organizations, the responsible Reserve Bank typically will be the district where the Federal Reserve has the most direct involvement in the conduct of day-to-day supervision of the U.S. banking operations of the organization. See SR 05-27 for more information.
Where can I find the forms?
FRS Application Forms
Do I need to submit a Call Report with a filing?
No, submission of a Call Report with your application materials is not required.
When is a namecheck and fingerprint necessary?
When a person is seeking to acquire shares of a banking organization, or is seeking to serve at a banking organization in certain capacities, the Federal Reserve is required to assess whether those persons have the competence, experience, integrity, character, and financial ability to participate in the proposed capacity, as required under the Change in Control Act, 12 U.S.C. 1817(j). In these cases, the individual(s) may complete an Interagency Biographical and Financial Report (IBFR). Additionally, the Federal Reserve contacts other regulatory and law enforcement agencies for background information about an individual or company involved in a proposal; this is commonly referred to as the “name check” process
The name check process is described in SR 15-08 and the fingerprinting process is described in SR 20-20.
Public Notice
Where is sample language for a newspaper notice?
Where publication is required, sample language is found in the instructions for the application form. You can also find it here Newspaper Notices
Do I need to submit a request for Federal Register publication?
If your filing requires public notice in the Federal Register, Reserve Bank staff will arrange publication upon receipt of your filing. You also have the option of requesting publication before submitting your filing.
How do I request a copy of a filing?
Contact the appropriate Reserve Bank for information on how to request a copy of a filing.
How do I submit a comment on a filing?
Comments must be submitted to the appropriate Reserve Bank or to the Secretary of the Board as
designated in the newspaper and/or Federal Register notice on or before the end of the comment
period. Contact the appropriate Reserve Bank for information on how to submit a comment on a
To confirm an application is available for public comment, see:
Federal Reserve H2a
Federal Register
Who should I call to get a "Certificate of Good Standing" or "Letter of Good Standing?"
Contact the appropriate Reserve Bank contact based on the location of the state member bank or bank holding company. Reserve Bank Contacts
Who should I contact about information regarding banking markets?
You can contact the appropriate Reserve Bank for the areas in question (Reserve Bank Contacts), or for self help you can access CASSIDI
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